First Give

First Give Success
This term, our Year 8 pupils have engaged positively in group work, as part of their First Give project. They researched charities, considered how to fund-raise, with groups holding Karaoke sing-alongs and sporting events, and created a range of incredible presentations about their charities. It was a tough choice to decide upon the final teams!
Yesterday's First Give Final, following this, was a tremendous success. We were honoured to host representatives from Kaleidoscope and Race Equality First, along with the First Give Programme Manager, a Parent Governor, and the Chairperson of the Rotary Club. All of them were highly impressed with the students' presentations.
The winning group secured a £1000 grant for their charity, Recovery Cymru. Additionally, another group received the Commendation Award for selecting a lesser-known charity, St Giles Trust, and impressing the judges with their thorough research.
The students should be incredibly proud of their hard work and the professional approach to their presentations!