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How to choose a secondary school for your child

Applications for secondary school places to start in September 2024 will open on Monday 25, September 2023 and families are reminded that applying on time and by providing five school preferences, can increase their chances of getting a place at one of their preferred schools.

On Thursday 5th October, we will be holding an open day and evening for new pupils and families.

Monday 20th November 2023 is the closing date for Year 6 applications for a Year 7 place at Eastern High in September 2024.

How to apply for a place in Year 7 

Click to view our School Prospectus Online
or download a copy below

If you have a child starting in Year 7 in September 2022, we hope you will consider Eastern High as their secondary school.

A guide to applying for a school place is available attached below and has been provided by Cardiff Council around the admissions process.

Please be aware that Eastern High was oversubscribed in Year 7 for the last few years and we expect this to happen for 2024 also.    Please note siblings are not guaranteed a place, you still need to apply.  Please complete the online application between Monday, 25th September and Monday, 20th November for the best chance of success. 

All applications for places can be made on the Council’s quick and easy online application service  at Cardiff Council - School Admissions   Please note that paper applications are not accepted.  Cardiff Council have prepared some great resources to help up. 

Below is the link to the website page hosting the video and PDF of the 7 Tips.  

simple tips to help you apply for a school place.





There are also different language options:








Help is also available from a Council Hub.   The nearest locations are:

  • Llanrumney – Countisbury Avenue
  • Rumney – Llanstephan Road
  • St Mellons – 30 Crickhowell Road

Please see attached below a list of all the Hubs that are open across the city at present (those in green are closed at the moment).

All Hubs are fully briefed on supporting parents to apply for school places.

Please note that Hub staff can support parents with English as an additional language.

The school will admit up to 240 students moving from primary into Year 7 of secondary school. All applications for 240 places will be considered. Where fewer than 240 applications are received, places will be offered to all those who have applied.

Timetable for Admissions

September 2023 – The school will publish its information on admission arrangements for September 2021 (including over-subscription criteria), details of open evenings and other opportunities for prospective pupils and parents to visit the school.  The application process opens on 25th September.

From September 2023 – The school will provide students and parents/carers with the opportunity to visit the school.   Please phone to arrange a visit.

October/November 2023– Online applications closes on 20th November.  

1 March 2024 – Local authority will send offer letters or emails if you apply online to parents/carers.

15 March 2024 - Closing date to accept or refuse the place offered.

Oversubscription Criteria

When the number of admission applications is greater than the available places, applications will be considered against the criteria set out here. After the admission of students with Statements of Special Needs who have named Eastern High on their statement, school places will then be offered to these groups in the order set out here:

     Children in Care.

     Children with a statement of special educational needs.

     Children living in the school’s First Geographical  Area.

     Children with compelling medical or social grounds.

     Children living outside the school’s First Geographical Area.

When applying the criteria, priority within each criterion will be given, in order, too:

a) children with a brother or sister who will be attending the school and who joined the school before September 2023.
b) children with a brother or sister who will be attending the school
c) for children living within the school’s ‘First Geographical Area’ only: children with a brother or sister within the same intake year group (for example twins, triplets) applying for the school. Within a) to Within a) to c) priority will be given to those living closest to the school.
d) children living closest to the school.
Details of the school’s First Geographical Area can be obtained from Cardiff Council.

Waiting Lists

Right to Appeal

If more applications are received than there are places, the over-subscription criteria apply. Parents whose applications are turned down have the right to appeal.

A copy of the full school admissions policy can be downloaded from its website, or obtained by calling the school on 029 2079 2751